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U.S. Government Clarifies Rules on Convention/Conference Spending, But…

By December 6, 2016April 26th, 2022No Comments

In a November 25, 2016 memo, the Office of (U.S.) Federal Financial Management clarified the rules regarding, and broader outlook on, meetings and conferences. The memo can be accessed here. The memo contains generally good news for meeting venues by, among other actions, removing the 2009 financial restrictions/guidelines and relaxing restrictions on attendance.

But…for Canadian (and other international) venues, the possible “Buy American” focus of the incoming U.S. administration will be something to watch with interest.

Author Lyle Hall

A trusted adviser to private- and public-sector clients in the international tourism, hospitality and gaming industries...for 35+ years. Areas of focus: Gaming, Hotels/Integrated Resorts, Convention and other Public Assembly Venues, Destination Management, Attractions, Entertainment and general Tourism.

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